Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Shellshock - Dangerous Bug For Linux And Mac

Attention all Linux or Mac users, someone might be present inside your system.

Shellshock is the latest bug found which attacks BASH (Bourne Again Shell). It is bigger than Heartbleed which exposed millions of computer's data to hackers.

 It is rated 10 out of 10 on U.S. National Vulnerability Database's severity scale.


BASH (Bourne Again Shell) is a software which enables user to control their computer using commands. It allows users to run actions on their computers, like a few codes and words typed in can enable some features or launch some programs.


Shellshock is a loophole found in Bash using which anyone's code can be processed on your system.
Linux specialist Stephane Schazelas discovered this bug this week, but it existed in the system for atleast 20+ years.

Hackers and Shellshock:

A hacker can use this hole to insert malicious or unwanted code in to victim's computer and run the commands he want. He can also access your data or even modify it.

"Using this vulnerability, attackers can potentially take over the operating system, access confidential information, make changes, et cetera," Tod Beardsley, a manager at cybersecurity firm Rapid7, told Reuters.

Heartbleed opened up massive privacy concerns, but hackers could only spy on computers — not control them, Reuters explained. With Shellshock, information and files on a properly accessed computer could be manipulated, not just watched.

Shellshock is also worse than Heartbleed because it's so simple: an attacker could exploit the flaw with just three lines of code, Wired reported.

Plus, since the flaw has been around for more than two decades, there are a lot of computers susceptible to it.

Testing Vulnerability:

1) Open Bash on your system.
2) Type this line of text into the shell: env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c 'echo hello'
3) If you're not vulnerable, you'll get this result:
bash: warning: x: ignoring function definition attempt bash: error importing function definition for `x' hello
If you are vulnerable, you'll get:
vulnerable hello
You can also check the version of bash you're running by entering:
bash --version


There is no stable fix available as of now, will update you as soon as one stable fix gets released.

Source: http://www.nydailynews.com/

Creating A PDF File Of Anything On Your Screen

Most of the times we want to create PDF files of some secure documents or screenshot, here is a simplest way to do that.

All you need is a software called PrimoPDF. PrimoPDF is a free program that will allow you to convert any document (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more) into a usable PDF file.

It will get install as a printer on your system and whenever you want to convert any file to PDF, all you have to do is just print using PrimoPDF printer and the PDF file will get generated.

Steps to download, install and use PrimoPDF:

  1. Visit www.primopdf.com, download and install latest version of PrimoPDF.
  2. Using PrimoPDF,

Source: www.primopdf.com, http://www.ferndaleschools.org/

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Powerpoint Tricks And Shortcuts


Group objects

Ungroup objectsCtrl+Shift+H
Show or hide gridShift+F9
Show or hide guidesAlt+F9
Change grid or guide settingsCtrl+G
Show AutoShape menu and insert shapeAlt+U -> Ctrl+ENTER
Insert perfect squaresPress shift first, start drawing figure
Move selection in specific directionCtrl+ARROW
ZoomCtrl+mouse wheel
Duplicate selectedshapesCtrl+D
Insert new slideCtrl+M
Draw multiple similar figuresDouble-click corresponding toolbar icon
Repeatlast actionF4
Activate menu barF10
Context menuShift+F10 or Windows special key
Work with presentationsShortcut

Create new presentation

Insertnew slideCtrl+M
Duplicate selected slideCtrl+D
Open a presentationsCtrl+O
Close presentationCtrl+W
Print presentationCtrl+P
Save presentationCtrl+S
Quit PowerPointAlt+F4
Find textCtrl+F
Replace textCtrl+H
Repeat the last find actionShift+F4
Insert a hyperlinkCtrl+K
Undo an actionCtrl+Z
Redo or repeat an actionCtrl+Y
Switch to the next paneF6
Switch to the previous paneShift+F6
Cancel an actionESC
Carry out Save As commandF12
Carry out Save commandShift+F12
Carry out Open commandCtrl+F12
Carry out Print commandCtrl+Shift+F12
Display Visual Basic codeAlt+F11
Text operationsShortcut

Delete one word to the left

Delete one word to the rightCtrl+DELETE
Cut selected objectCtrl+X
Copy selected objectCtrl+C
Paste cut or copied objectCtrl+V
Move cursor one word to the leftCtrl+LEFT ARROW
Move cursor one word to the rightCtrl+RIGHT ARROW
Changecase letters (toggles through sentence case, lowercase, and uppercase)Shift+F3
Center paragraphCtrl+E
Justify paragraphCtrl+J
Left align paragraphCtrl+L
Right align paragraphCtrl+R
PromoteparagraphAlt+Shift+LEFT ARROW
Demote paragraphAlt+Shift+RIGHT ARROW
Move selected paragraphs upAlt+Shift+UP ARROW
Move selected paragraphs downAlt+Shift+DOWN ARROW
Format font styleCtrl+T
Changefont sizeCtrl+Shift+P
Increasefont sizeCtrl+Shift+>
Decrease font sizeCtrl+Shift+<
Apply bold formattingCtrl+B
Apply an underlineCtrl+U
Apply italic formattingCtrl+I
Apply subscript formattingCtrl+EQUAL SIGN
Apply superscript formattingCtrl+Shift+PLUS SIGN
Remove manual character formattingCtrl+SPACEBAR
Copy formatsCtrl+Shift+C
Paste formatsCtrl+Shift+V
Insert a tab in a table cellCtrl+TAB
Addnew row at the bottom of a tableTAB at the end of the last row
Check spellingF7
Find next misspelling (Automatic Spell Checking enabled)Shift+F7

Select next object (with an object selected)

TAB or Shift+TAB
Select text within selected objectENTER
Select all objectsCtrl+A (in slide pane)
Select all slidesCtrl+A (in slide sorter view)
Select all textCtrl+A (in text field)
Move to the end of a lineEND
Move to the beginning of a lineHOME
Move up one paragraphCtrl+UP ARROW
Move down one paragraphCtrl+DOWN ARROW
Control slide showsShortcut

Start slideshow from current slide

Slideshow from beginningF5
Perform next animation or advance tonext slideENTER, PAGE DOWN, RIGHT ARROW, DOWN ARROW, SPACEBAR, or mouse click
Perform previous animation or return toprevious slideP, PAGE UP, LEFT ARROW, UP ARROW, or BACKSPACE
Go to slide<number>+ENTER
Display a black screen, or return to slide show from black screenB or PERIOD
Display a white screen, or return to the slide show from a white screenW or COMMA
Stop or restartautomatic slide showS or PLUS SIGN
End slide showESC, Ctrl+BREAK, or HYPHEN
Erase on-screen annotationsE
Go to next hidden slideH
Set new timings while rehearsingT
Use original timings while rehearsingO
Use mouse-click to advance while rehearsingM
Return to first slideHOME or both mouse buttons for 2 seconds
Redisplay hidden pointer and/or change the pointer to a penCtrl+P
Redisplay hidden pointer and/or change the pointer to an arrowCtrl+A
Hidepointer and button immediatelyCtrl+H
Hidepointer and button in 15 secondsCtrl+U
Display shortcut menuShift+F10 or right-click or special windows key
Go to first or next hyperlink on slideTAB
Go to last or previous hyperlink on slideShift+TAB
Perform "mouse click" behavior of selected hyperlinkENTER while hyperlink is selected
Perform "mouse over" behavior of selected hyperlinkShift+ENTER while hyperlink is selected
Display list of controlsF1

19 Keys To Master Facebook

1. Connect To Multiple Facebook Accounts

You probably noticed that you can’t login to more than one account on Facebook. However,if you use Chrome, there is a built-in profile feature that allows you to create a new user profile on your browser.
  1. Click on the Navicon on the top right of your Chrome browser. Go to Settings.
  2. Go to Users, and click on Add new user.
  3. Choose your Profile Picture and give a name for that user.
  4. Click on Create and a new Window will be opened.
  5. You can now login to your Facebook account as per user profile and easily switch between users at the top right corner (see below).
This is available on Firefox as well.
Connect To Multiple Facebook Account

2. Sync Facebook Calendar With Google Calendar

If you use both Facebook Calendar and Google Calendar to manage your everyday activities, you will need some time to manage both. Why not have your Facebook Events including birthday to sync with Google Calendar so that you don’t have to do it manually? Here’s how you can.
  1. Login to Facebook and click on Events.
  2. Go to the Calendar tab and click the Settings button on the top right then chooseExport.
  3. You will see "export your friends birthdays" and "upcoming events" in a hyperlink; choose either one and copy the link address. Let’s say you pick birthdays first.
  4. Now, go to your Google Calendar page, look for Other Calendars on the left side of the page and click on the down arrow button then choose Add by URL.
  5. Paste the link you just copied in the URL box and click on Add Calendar.
Repeat step 3 onwards with the events link to completely transfer all your events from the Facebook calendar to your Google calendar.
Sync Facebook Calendar With Google Calendar

3. Accept All Friend Requests At Once

If you have a lot of pending friend requests list, you might find its tiring to accept all the requests one at a time. Apparently there is a way to accept all at once using a JavaScript code.
  1. At your friend requests page, make sure to have all the requests loaded by scrolling down the page until the end.
  2. Next, copy this JavaScript code:
    javascript:for( i = 1;i<document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]").length;i++){document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]")[i].click();}void(0);and paste it in the address bar of your friend requests page.
  3. Make sure to manually add javascript: at the front of the code once you have pasted it in the address bar because some browsers will automatically remove that line.
  4. Press Enter and watch the magic happens.
Accept All Friend Requests At Once

4. Create Special "Via" Status (With Logo)

Normally when we update our Facebook status with our smartphone, the status will also include via "your device name" at the bottom of the status update. Instead of this being just for devices, you can change it to anything you can think of.
Just follow the instructions here to customize the "via" status of your Facebook post. this.
Create Your Own Post 'Via' status With Logo

5. Stop Facebook From Tracking You

Yes, Facebook tracks whatever you do on the main site or on sites that use Facebook Connect. That is why you are being served ads that are relevant to information you have recently searched for. Creepy, isn’t it?
There is a way to regain some form of privacy for yourself, with a Chrome plugin called Facebook Disconnect. Facebook Disconnect uses JavaScript to disable Facebook component link traffic from being accessed by third-party sites. Once installed, this plugin works without further tinkering.
Stop Facebook From Tracking You

6. Photo Zoom For Facebook

With Photo Zoom you can view any photo updates on Facebook in a larger size on your timeline simply by hovering your mouse over it. Get the Chrome extension here.
Photo Zoom for Facebook

7. Hide Last Name On Facebook

Facebook needs you to declare your first and last name, that’s two names, but if you want to have your account bear only one name (or just your first name), you can. Indonesians canregister an account with only one name since many of them actually go with just one name. So for you to have a single name like Neo here, check out the instructions below.
  1. Login to your Facebook account.
  2. Grab any Indonesian proxy from this list here then change your proxy on your browser.
  3. On Chrome for PC head to Settings > Show advanced settings > under Network, click on Change proxy settings > click on Lan Settings and tick "Use Proxy Server for your LAN".
  4. Fill in the address box with the proxy, and the port box accordingly. For example, if your proxy is, "" goes into the address box and "8080" is the port.
  5. Tick on Bypass Proxy Server For Local Addresses. Press OK.
  6. Now, go to your Facebook Account settings page, change the language to "Bahasa Indonesia" and save changes.
  7. Remove your Facebook last name and save changes again.
  8. Once you have complete everything, revert to your original language.
Hide Last Name on Facebook

8. Create Fake Facebook Status Conversation

Have you ever read about how World War II transpired on Facebook and the dramaAvengers wreaked on Facebook? Well, those conversations are made possible with The Wall Machine. It’s a tool that allows you to forge status updates, comments, likes, recent activity, relationship update, and event attendance, with fake accounts and profile pictures as well.
Create Fake Facebook Conversation

9. Turn Off Facebook Notification Sounds

So you congratulated a friend on a wedding or new baby, or sent a get well soon note to a sickly friend, and now the Facebook notifications won’t stop coming. You have forgotten that Facebook notifications come with sounds and wish you could turn it off. Here’s how to stop it from making noise.
  1. Head over to Facebook Account Settings > go to Notifications tab
  2. At the top, untick "Play a sound when each new notification is received" and Save Changes.
Turn Off Facebook Notification Sounds

10. Joint Facebook Profile And Cover Image

Want to have your own creative Facebook covers? How about one of those where the profile picture is part of the cover photo? Use Tricked Out Timeline website to create your very own joined Facebook profile and cover image. There are 4 effects that you can choose starting from Merge Profile & Cover photo, Missing Jigsaw Piece, Tear Off The Bottom Edge, and Profile Picture Zoom.
Joint Facebook Profile and Cover Image

11. Download Facebook History

Do you know that you can download your entire Facebook history and have it all compiled in a zip file? Go to the Facebook Account Settings page, under the General tab, near the bottom is a link to "Download a copy of your Facebook data". The archive includes almost everything from photos to your chat history but if you want a detailed breakdown read here.
Download Facebook History

12. Use Profile Picture As Emoticons

Did you know that you can turn your friend’s profile pictures into emoticons and use them in a Facebook chat? Here’s how to set it up.
  1. First, visit the page of your friend you want to tag as an emoticon.
  2. Then look for their Facebook username or their Profile ID from the address bar link. For example you want to get hongkiatcom from "https://www.facebook.com/hongkiatcom".
  3. In any Facebook chat, when you type [[hongkiatcom]], brackets included, the profile picture will show during the chat.
  4. You can do this more than once in the same chat, and your friend(s) will not be notified when you use their profile picture as an emoticon in your chats.
Use Profile Picture As Emoticons

13. Invite All Friends To A Facebook Event

Instead of inviting your friends one by one to your Event or Facebook page, why not have them invited all at once? It is as easy as copy pasting a JavaScript code.
  1. Go to your Event Facebook page and click on Invite friends.
  2. Scroll down your friend list until the end to ensure you have loaded all the friends you want to invite.
  3. On Chrome, press CTRL + SHIFT + J (Windows) or CMD + Opt + J (Mac).
  4. Copy and paste thisjavascript:elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type="checkbox" )elms[i].click()}followed by an Enter in the console space. You will then see all your friends name automatically ticked.
invite All Friends to a Facebook Event

14. Download Facebook Videos

Unlike Google+, Facebook does not include a feature to download the videos you see on the social network. Well, there is a really easy way to download your own copy. Simply go to this page, and paste that specific Facebook video URL to download the video.
Download Facebook Videos

15. Enhance Your Facebook Experience With Social Fixer

Want to customize Facebook to look exactly the way you want? Get rid of ads, change it to a previous layout, hide already read posts, force news feeds to "recent stories first" and a whole lot more with Social Fixer plugin.
Enhance Your Facebook Experience With Social Fixer

16. Display Animated Gifs On Status Update With A Play Button

Why aren’t animated gifs on Facebook yet? With giphy gifs it already is. Just find a gif that you want from giphy.com then share the link at your Facebook page.
Display Animated Gifs On Status Update With A Play Button

17. Login To Facebook With Your Username Or Phone Numbers

You know you need your email address to login to your Facebook but did you know you can also gain access with your username or phone number as well? If you don’t have a username yet, visit this link to create one.
Login Facebook With Your Username or Phone Numbers

18. Share Facebook Statuses With Profile Pictures And Names Blurred Out

Want to share a Facebook status but want to blur out profile pictures and sensitive names? Use Status Snapper for the job since it will automatically blur out the user name and profile image. The image wil also be automatically uploaded to imgur.
Share Facebook Statuses With Profile Picture and Name Blur out

19. Removing Bitstrips From Your News Feed

A viral app that you probably have seen at least once in your Facebook News feed is Bitstrips. Through Bitstrips you can create your own comics starring you or any of your friends. Its a fun idea, but to some Facebook user, Bitstrips is probably taking way to much space on their feeds. If you want to eradicate Bitstrips from your feed, we got your back.
What is Bitstrips & How to remove them From Your News Feed