Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Turn Your Laptop Into WiFi Hotspot

Hey Folks, welcome again.

As per the request from some users, we are sharing this trick to convert your windows machine into a Hotspot (Wi-Fi).
After doing this, you can share the internet connection over your hotspot (Wi-Fi) also.

Steps To Follow:

1) Open command prompt, make sure you do it using Run as administrator option.
  • Type command prompt in start menu.
  • Right click on command prompt.
  • Select Run as administrator.
2) Check that your system is capable of creating a hotspot or not. Type netsh wlan show drivers on command prompt screen.

3) If yes then type the following commands to set some parameters and enable your hotspot.

  • netsh <hit enter>.
  • wlan <hit enter>.
  • set hostednetwork mode=allow <hit enter>.
  • set hostednetwork ssid=<name of hotspot without spaces> <hit enter>.
  • set hostednetwork key=<password for your hotspot> keyUsage=persistent <hit enter>.
  • exit <hit enter>.
  • netsh wlan start hostednetwork <hit enter>.
*Replace <name of hotspot without spaces> with the name of your hotspot.
*Replace <password for your hotspot> with your password for hotspot.

4) Go to Network and Sharing Center from control panel and you will see your hotspot there as virtual wireless adaptor.

5) For sharing internet over hotspot, 
  • Go to Control Panel, Network & Internet, and Network Connections.
  • Right click on the adaptor that has access to the internet and go to properties.
  • Turn on the option “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection” under Sharing tab. Make sure to pick the enabled Wireless virtual adaptor which is your hotspot as the Home networking connection.

Note: The problem with this trick is that you have to do it all over again after a restart.

If you want to do it in an easy way, you can download some cool software like Virtual Router. :P
